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NEW: Overcoming Toxic

Workplaces Series

Join us for a series of transformative leadership development masterclasses designed to ​equip corporate professionals with the skills and insights necessary to thrive in the evolving ​world of work. These free sessions delve into a range of crucial leadership challenges and ​strategies. From understanding and managing the behaviors of narcissistic and power-​hungry leaders to fostering autonomy in environments plagued by micromanagement, our ​comprehensive program addresses the multifaceted nature of modern leadership.

Overcoming Toxic Workplaces Series

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Establish Bold ​Boundaries

Understand the importance of being ​unapologetically firm in establishing ​your personal boundaries. Define your ​'rules of engagement' and learn how to ​effectively assert your limits, ensuring ​that every interaction aligns with your ​standards and values.

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Discover action-oriented solutions ​designed to transform your work ​environment. Our workshops deliver ​practical strategies and hands-on steps ​that you can start using right away to ​boost your leadership effectiveness.

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Live Attendee


As part of our Toxic Workplaces Series, ​don't miss the opportunity to engage ​directly with our experts during live Q&A ​sessions. Asking questions and gaining ​personalized insights is a valuable part ​of our program, designed to help you ​navigate and thrive in challenging work ​environments.

Also Featuring:

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The Cancel-Free Zone

Event participants will enjoy a 100% Cancel-Free Learning environment so that a safe

place can be established for authentic discussions.

Meet Your Speaker

Dr. Brandi Baldwin

CEO, Millennial Ventures & Founder of the Futures Leadership Network

Hey Everyone!

I’m excited to see you at our upcoming leadership ​development events. If you’re new to our events or Futures, ​welcome!

If you’ve attended a past event, then you know that the ​best part of the conversation is in the chat, so get ready ​for that.

This year is about shedding light on the darkside of ​today’s workplaces and you DO NOT want to miss the ​upcoming sessions. Invite a friend... or a boss who needs ​to be in the room (wink wink).

Looking forward to seeing you at the next event!

Dr. Brandi